
Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator


The Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Weeks Indicator is a highly accurate pregnancy test that can tell you if you are pregnant and, if so, which week you are.

The test uses Clearblue technology to provide clear, easy-to-read results in just 3 minutes.

In addition, the Weeks Indicator lets you know how long you've been pregnant, from 1-2 weeks to more than 3 weeks.

Mode of Use:

1. Remove the pregnancy test stick from its protective packaging and remove the blue cap. Take the test right away;
2. Place the absorbent tip facing down in the urine stream for just 5 seconds, or you can collect a urine sample in a clean, dry container instead. Place the absorbent tip facing down in the urine for just 20 seconds.
4. While waiting for the result, keep the tip facing down or place the digital pregnancy test stick on a flat surface.
5. Wait 3 minutes to read the result.

If you take the test from the day your period should start, you can take it at any time of the day to find out if you are pregnant.
If you test before your period is due, use your first morning urine.

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